Comparative Study on Vibration Response of Typical Single-axis and Three-axis Vibration Tests
Received:September 04, 2017  Revised:January 15, 2018
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DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2018.01.017
KeyWord:three-axis vibration  resonance frequency  resonance level
PANG Jia-zhi Institute 201 of the Second Academy of China Aerospace Science & Industry Corp., Beijing , China
LI Guo Institute 201 of the Second Academy of China Aerospace Science & Industry Corp., Beijing , China
ZHANG Shuang-jun Institute 201 of the Second Academy of China Aerospace Science & Industry Corp., Beijing , China
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      Objective To evaluate influences of single-axis vibration test and three-axis vibration test on vibration response of typical structure. Methods Through comparing the single-axis vibration test and the three-axis vibration test to the cantilever beam, influences of single-axis vibration and three-axis vibration on specimen from different perspectives were researched with acceleration response and dynamic strain. Results Compared with the single-axis vibration, the three-axis vibration changed the resonance frequency and the amplitude of the beam obviously. In addition, due to the cumulative vibration in three axes, the beam showed more resonance level than in single-axis vibration. Conclusion Single-axis vibration and three-axis vibration have different influences on the specimen.