Quantitative Analysis on Tension-Tension axial Fatigue Fractography of High Strength and Toughness Aluminum Alloy
Received:August 13, 2017  Revised:January 15, 2018
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DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2018.01.019
KeyWord:7A09 aluminum alloy  fatigue fractography  fatigue crack initiation  fatigue crack propagation
ZHU Ze-long Qingdao Campus of Naval Aeronautical Academy, Qingdao , China
LI Xu-dong Qingdao Campus of Naval Aeronautical Academy, Qingdao , China
MU Zhi-tao Qingdao Campus of Naval Aeronautical Academy, Qingdao , China
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      Objective To obtain fatigue crack propagation behaviors of 7A09 aluminum alloy by quantitative analysis of crack to provide basis for its fatigue life analysis. Methods EXCO solution was used to have pre-corrosion on test specimen. The fatigue tension machine was used to load fatigue till cracking. The scanning electron microscope was applied to carry out quantitative analysis on fatigue fracture. Results The fatigue crack appeared at the corrosion pit of the specimen and developed in depth and breadth from adjacent of free interface and lead to fracture. Initiation life and propagation of crack were determined by fracture analysis and Paris formula. Conclusion The ratio of crack initiation life of specimen after corrosion decreased. When the crack extent is larger, the corrosion effect is reduced. The relationship between the crack propagation rate and the stress intensity factor was obtained.