Influence of Key Parameters of Vertical Tail Stabilizer-Rudder on Modal Frequencies of a Certain Type of Aircraft
Received:August 15, 2024  Revised:September 05, 2024
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KeyWord:vertical tail stabilizer  rudder  connecting hinge  steering gear  equipment parameters  modal frequency
ZHANG Daqian Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang , China
YANG Kai Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang , China
LI Zhihan Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang , China
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      The work aims to study the effect of vertical tail stabilizer surface-rudder assembly parameters on the intrinsic frequency of an aircraft. The effects of hinge axis position change and rudder stiffness adjustment on the modal frequency of the vertical tail stabilizer- rudder were investigated by finite element model analysis. The results showed that the lower articulation point offset had the largest effect on the rudder frequency, and the frequency decreased with the increase of offset, with a maximum decrease of 0.36 Hz; The effect of the upper articulation point was the second largest, and the frequency decreased in the first three orders and increased in the fourth order, with the maximum changes of 0.203 Hz and 0.08 Hz, respectively; The middle articulation point had the smallest effect, and the change of the frequency was tiny, with the maximum being 0.028 Hz. When the rudder stiffness was increased, the frequency in the first four orders rose, but the first three orders rose faster when the stiffness was increased by less than 5 times, and was stabilized after more than 5 times; while the first two orders of frequency were not much affected by the stiffness. The fourth order frequency rose significantly when the stiffness was increased by less than 10 times. In conclusion, the connection hinge between the vertical tail stabilizer and the rudder is assembled with different axes, and the lower hinge point offset has the greatest effect on the first four modal frequencies of the vertical tail structure, followed by the upper hinge point offset, and the middle hinge point offset has no effect on the first four modal frequencies of the vertical tail structure. The increase in the stiffness of the rudder increases the frequency of the first-fourth order models of the vertical tail, and the effect on the third- and fourth-order models is particularly significant.