Fatigue Life Analysis of Missile slider in Random Vibration Load
Received:April 26, 2024  Revised:July 10, 2024
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KeyWord:bolt  slider  bolt connection  preload  missile  response impact  finite element model
QIAN Yanli Shaanxi Zhongtian Rocket Technology Co., Ltd., Xi'an , China
HU Hengjian Shaanxi Zhongtian Rocket Technology Co., Ltd., Xi'an , China
HUAN Guangzhou Shaanxi Zhongtian Rocket Technology Co., Ltd., Xi'an , China
ZHU Rui Xi’an Space Three Walter Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd., Xi'an , China
MENG Lingzhi Shaanxi Zhongtian Rocket Technology Co., Ltd., Xi'an , China
YUAN Min Xi’an Space Three Walter Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd., Xi'an , China
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      The work aims to conduct a structural vibration fatigue life analysis on a specific model of missile sliders, and delve into the fatigue failure problem that may be caused by random vibration loads during suspension flight. Firstly, a comprehensive simplified model of the missile was analyzed for the first three modes using the finite element method. Secondly, in order to better fit the actual suspension flight and flying environment, a functional vibration analysis was conducted. The experiment results were compared to verify that the model met the requirements of engineering use. Finally, the classic Miner linear cumulative damage theory in the vibration fatigue life analysis was applied to conduct in-depth research and estimation of the fatigue damage status and predicted service life of missile sliders under suspension flight vibration. Through comparing the finite element simulation results with ground experimental data, it was found that the error between the two was less than 10%, which verified the high accuracy of the model. In addition, the analysis results of the suspension flight vibration were consistent with the independent vibration test data, confirming the correctness of the damping parameters used in the model. The missile slider of this model can achieve durability requirements of at least 65 flight missions and a total of 400 hours under suspension flight vibration conditions, providing strong theoretical basis for the design improvement and safety evaluation of missile systems.