Loading Characteristics of Inner Wall of 40 mm Engraving Testbed
Received:October 30, 2024  Revised:December 02, 2024
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KeyWord:engraving process  projectile-barrel coupling  inner wall loading of barrel  friction and wear test  thermomechanical coupling  engraving testbed  finite element analysis
LI Jingwen School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing , China
LI Yifan School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing , China
GUO Hao Liaoning Qingyang Special Chemical Co., Ltd., Liaoning Qingyang , China
FU Jiawei School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing , China
LI Yanze School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing , China
LI Zelong School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing , China
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      The work aims to simulate and study the loading characteristics of the inner wall of large caliber artillery barrels during the rotating band engraving process, develop a 40 mm engraving testbed, and reveal the variation of inner wall loading of the barrel provided by the testbed, so as to prove that the testbed can obtain a similar loading value applied on the barrel inner wall by the rotating band during the engraving process of 155 mm artilleries. The relationship of the friction coefficient between the cupronickel band and the barrel gun and friction parameters including normal pressure and slip speed was obtained through a friction test system. The expression of the friction coefficient as a function of the product of contact normal pressure and slip speed was fitted using the least squares method, and a contact friction model between the band and barrel during the projectile engraving process was proposed. A three-dimensional thermomechanical coupling finite element model of the testbed was established according to the constitutive model of the band and the band-barrel friction model. The predicted projectile velocity was compared with experimental tests. The variations of projectile velocity, loading on the inner wall of the barrel, engraving resistance and energy with time during the engraving process were obtained from simulation calculations. The projectile velocity after engraving in the testbed was about 60 m/s, whose error was small compared with the measured value. Moreover, the inner wall loading of the barrel in the testbed was similar to the inner wall loading of a 155 mm barrel in the literature. The thermomechanical coupling finite element model proposed in this paper can effectively calculate the projectile engraving process of the 40 mm testbed, and the testbed has the ability to simulate the loading characteristics of the barrel inner wall of 155 mm artilleries during the projectile engraving process in the laboratory.