Accelerated Corrosion Behavior of High Strength Aluminum Alloy in Simulated Polar Atmosphere
Received:August 28, 2024  Revised:October 01, 2024
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KeyWord:aluminium alloy  polar atmosphere  accelerated corrosion  atmospheric corrosion  indoor and outdoor correlation  corrosion mechanism
CUI Tengfei Standard Materials Department, China Helicopter Research and Development Institute, Jiangxi Jingdezhen , China
CHENG Jienan Tianjin Bohai Chemical Industry Group Co., Ltd., Tianjin , China
SONG Jian Standard Materials Department, China Helicopter Research and Development Institute, Jiangxi Jingdezhen , China
CUI Zhongyu School of Materials Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Shandong Qingdao , China
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      The work aims to achieve rapid verification of the adaptability of helicopters to polar atmosphere and solve the problem of difficult assessment inpolar atmosphere. The accelerated test environment spectrum of aluminum alloy was established according to the polar atmosphere, and the corrosion behavior of high strength aluminum alloy after accelerated test and outdoor exposure test was compared and analyzed by means of corrosion loss, scanning electron microscope and laser confocal microscope test. The corrosion rates of 2024 and 7075 aluminum alloys in polar atmosphere were 14.52 g/(m2.a) and 10.75 g/(m2.a), respectively, and the corrosion products were composed of AlOOH and Al2O3. Surface wetting time and deposition of salt particles are the main factors leading to corrosion of aluminum alloy, and the freeze-thaw cycle phenomenon accelerates the corrosion process.