Consistency Evaluation Method of Accelerated Storage Test of Electronic Products
Received:June 24, 2024  Revised:August 27, 2024
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KeyWord:electronic products  natural storage  accelerated storage  consistency evaluation  effectiveness  life evaluation
XU Ruyuan Aerospace Science and Technology Defense Technology Research and Experiment Center, Beijing , China
ZHANG Shengpeng Aerospace Science and Technology Defense Technology Research and Experiment Center, Beijing , China
TANG Yubin Aerospace Science and Technology Defense Technology Research and Experiment Center, Beijing , China
NI Ruizheng Aerospace Science and Technology Defense Technology Research and Experiment Center, Beijing , China
ZHAO Pengfei Aerospace Science and Technology Defense Technology Research and Experiment Center, Beijing , China
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      In view of the unclear effect of accelerated storage test, the work aims to study the consistency test method of accelerated storage test of electronic products.The degradation trajectory, correlation coefficient, microscopic damage and degradation rate of the natural storage and accelerated storage tests of electronic products were relatively analyzed from the model parameters, correlation, physical and chemical analysis, and degradation amount, so as to achieve qualitative or quantitative consistency evaluation. Based on the natural and accelerated storage test data of an amplifier, four methods were used to evaluate the consistency of accelerated test and provide validity deviation of acceleration factors. The proposed method can effectively analyze the consistency of accelerated storage test of electronic products, evaluate the effectiveness of acceleration coefficient, and provide support for life evaluation.