Corrosion Behavior of TM210A Maraging Steel in Typical Atmospheric Environments
Received:July 23, 2024  Revised:August 13, 2024
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KeyWord:TM210A steel  damp hot marine environment  dry heat desert environment  mechanical property  atmospheric corrosion
ZHAO Qiyue Aerospace Science & Industry Corp Defense Technology R&T Center, Beijing , China
ZHONG Yingying Aerospace Science & Industry Corp Defense Technology R&T Center, Beijing , China
ZHENG Yuxia Aerospace Science & Industry Corp Defense Technology R&T Center, Beijing , China
WU Hao Aerospace Science & Industry Corp Defense Technology R&T Center, Beijing , China
LIU Yan Beijing Institute of Electronic System Engineering, Beijing , China
GUO Wenying Aerospace Science & Industry Corp Defense Technology R&T Center, Beijing , China
BAI Xue Beijing Institute of Electronic System Engineering, Beijing , China
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      The work aims to investigate the effect of damp hot marine and dry heat desert atmospheric environments on the corrosion behavior and mechanism of TM210A maraging high-strength steel, which is an important load-bearing material. An outdoor exposure test was conducted on TM210A steel in two typical atmospheric environments, Wanning and Dunhuang. The corrosion behavior and mechanical property change were analyzed by means of morphology observation, corrosion product layer analysis, mechanical property test and fracture analysis. The results showed that the tensile strength of TM210A steel decreased by 6.0% and 4.2% and the elongation decreased by 16.7% and 8.3% after 2-year exposure to damp hot marine and dry heat desert atmospheric environments, respectively. The mechanical properties of TM210A steel in the dry heat desert atmospheric environmentdecreased by less than those in the damp hot marine environment. In conclusion, the surface corrosion of TM210A steel is the main reason for its strength and plasticity decline. TM210A steel has undergone significant corrosion on its surface after being exposed to damp hot marine and dry heat desert atmospheric environments for two years. However, the corrosion is more severe in the damp hot marineenvironment, mainly due to higher humidity and Cl concentrationin the environment, which accelerate the electrochemical corrosion on the surface of TM210A steeland reduce the protectiveness of corrosion product layer to the matrix.