Cracking Failure Analysis of Repaired Oil Pipeline in a Gas Well
Received:June 22, 2024  Revised:September 09, 2024
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KeyWord:oil well  gas pipeline  repaired oil pipeline  cracking  girth weld  physical and chemical test  failure analysis
TIAN Ming Tarim Oilfield Company, Petrochina, Xinjiang Korla , China
CUI Yongxing Tarim Oilfield Company, Petrochina, Xinjiang Korla , China
HUANG Qian Tarim Oilfield Company, Petrochina, Xinjiang Korla , China
KOXMAK Sayyara Tarim Oilfield Company, Petrochina, Xinjiang Korla , China
WANG Ruixue Tarim Oilfield Company, Petrochina, Xinjiang Korla , China
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      The work aims to analyze the cracking failure of the repaired oil pipeline from an oil well to a transfer station in the Western oilfield. The macroscopic inspection, physical and chemical inspection and fracture analysis were used to analyze the macro-morphology, chemical composition, metallographic structure, tensile properties, Vickers hardness, micro-morphology of fracture and energy spectrum of elements. The chemical composition and tensile properties of the repaired oil pipeline met the requirements of API 5CT for P110 steel, and no abnormality was found in impact properties and metallographic structure, but the threads were not tightened up to the specified position, and after girth welding, martensite structure with hardness as high as 476HV10 was formed at the toe of weld heat-affected zone.P110 repaired oil pipeline has high carbon equivalent and poor weldability, so martensite structure is formed at the weld toe after girth welding, which leads to cold cracks in its heat-affected zone, causing expansion under stress and resulting in cracking failure.