Challenges and Reflections on Helicopters Test Flights in Extremely Cold Environments
Received:September 17, 2024  Revised:November 07, 2024
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KeyWord:helicopter  extreme cold environment  environmental damage  high-altitude test flight  test flight guarantee
AI Jianbo Integrated Technology Research Department, China Helicopter Research and Development Institute, Jiangxi Jingdezhen , China
WU Jianguo Integrated Technology Research Department, China Helicopter Research and Development Institute, Jiangxi Jingdezhen , China
CUI Tengfei Integrated Technology Research Department, China Helicopter Research and Development Institute, Jiangxi Jingdezhen , China
SONG jian Integrated Technology Research Department, China Helicopter Research and Development Institute, Jiangxi Jingdezhen , China
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      By analyzing the global conflict situation in high-altitude regions and the resulting arms competition, it is pointed out that there is an urgent need for helicopters to be deployed and put into service in high-altitude regions. The impact of extreme cold environmental factors such as temperature, snowfall, strong winds, and high latitudes on helicopters, as well as the necessity of conducting adaptability verification in extreme cold environments were analyzed. The respective advantages and disadvantages of high-altitude environment adaptability test flight sites were summarized. On this basis, the subjects, impacts, significance, and multiple failures of helicopter high-altitude environment adaptability test flights were elaborated systematically. Finally, the gap between the current demand for helicopters and extreme cold environments was considered and analyzed, and the shortcomings of adaptive test flights in extreme cold environments were pointed out. The application of climate environment laboratory, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), simulation and other technologies in extreme cold test flights was proposed. The study has certain guiding significance for effectively carrying out helicopter extreme cold environment adaptive design and verification work.