Research Methodology for Life Extension of a Certain Type of Electronic Regulator
Received:August 29, 2024  Revised:November 08, 2024
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KeyWord:helicopter  electronic regulator  calendar life extension  environmentalmonitoring  integrated environmental spectrum  accelerated environmental test
LI Jian Army Aviation Research Institute, Beijing , China
SIMA Yizhi Army Aviation School, Beijing , China
LI Changfan Army Aviation Research Institute, Beijing , China
WU Yunzhang Army Aviation Research Institute, Beijing , China
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      In view of the mismatch between the fatigue life and the calendar life of a certain type of electronic regulators,the work aims to study thecalendar life and readjust the baseline life, so as to meet the demand for the use of the product in the next refurbishment cycle and alleviate the current shortage of spare parts for the equipment.Aiming at the comprehensive environmental influence and "stop-fly-stop" working characteristics of the electronic regulator in use, six products approaching or reaching the calendar life were selected as the test objectsto carry out accelerated tests that took into account the temperature, humidity, vibration and other environmental conditions, and verify the test results.By performinga 768h (32d) ground state simulation acceleration test and a7.2h vibration test on the electronic regulator, the failure rate was 0, and the product's Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) time could reach 3725h/27.35 a at 80% confidence level.Accelerated tests verify that the electronic regulator can extend its service life by 1500h/8a to meet the demands of use.