Review of Ultimate Strength of Ship Hull Structures under Cyclic Loading
Received:November 07, 2024  Revised:December 12, 2024
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KeyWord:ship hull girder  cyclic loading  ultimate strength  plastic accumulation  ratchetingeffect  crackdamage  crack propagation
ZHAO Nan China Ship Scientific Research Center, Jiangsu Wuxi , China;Taihu Laboratory of Deep Sea Technology Science, Jiangsu Wuxi , China
AO Lei Green & Smart River-Sea-Going Ship, Cruise and Yacht Research Centre, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan , China
WANG Gaofei China Ship Scientific Research Center, Jiangsu Wuxi , China;Taihu Laboratory of Deep Sea Technology Science, Jiangsu Wuxi , China
LI Fuyou Green & Smart River-Sea-Going Ship, Cruise and Yacht Research Centre, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan , China
LI Fei China Ship Scientific Research Center, Jiangsu Wuxi , China;Taihu Laboratory of Deep Sea Technology Science, Jiangsu Wuxi , China
LIU Bin Green & Smart River-Sea-Going Ship, Cruise and Yacht Research Centre, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan , China
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      Firstly, the plastic accumulation characteristics of materials under cyclic loading were elucidatedand the commonly used material constitutive relations in simulation analysis were highlighted. Next, the research on the ultimate load-bearing characteristics of complete structures was presented from both simulation and experimental perspectives under cyclic loading. Then, the impact of crack damage on structural load-bearing characteristics under cyclic loading was analyzed and the variation patterns of cracks under such conditions were elucidated. Finally, the methods for evaluating the residual strength of damaged structures under cyclic loading and the existing issues were summarized and discussed, providing a reference for researchers.