Relationship Between Structural Parameters and Instability Mode of Ring-stiffened Cylindrical Shell
Received:November 13, 2024  Revised:December 18, 2024
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KeyWord:ring-stiffened cylindrical shell  pressure structure  structural design  pressure structure  structural stability  structural characteristic
WANG Ruixuan China Ship Scientific Research Center, Jiangsu Wuxi , China
HUANG Jinhao China Ship Scientific Research Center, Jiangsu Wuxi , China
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      The work aims to explore the relationship between the structural parameters and instability mode of the ring-stiffened cylindrical shell and reveal the inherent connection among the various structural parameters of the cylindrical shell, the critical instability pressure and the instability modes. The classic ring-stiffened cylindrical shell structure was taken as the research object and a certain experimental ring-stiffened cylindrical shell was selected as the master version. A single structural parameter was chosen as the variable, and the finite element buckling analysis was carried out through theoretical simplified formulas and the arc-length method of the finite element. The effects of various parameters, including the shell plate thickness, rib web height, rib spacing, and cylindrical shell length, on the instability mode of the cylindrical shell were examined. The results of the theoretical method and the finite element method were compared, and the effect laws of different structural parameters on the instability of the ring-stiffened cylindrical shell structure were obtained. The critical instability pressure of cylindrical shell rises as the shell plate thickness increases, the web height grows, and the rib spacing decreases. The relationship with the length of cylindrical shell is not obvious, but there is an abnormal phenomenon at the critical stage where the instability mode changes.