Determination of High-temperature Diurnal Cycle Test Conditions and Life Equivalents at Different Altitudes
Received:October 10, 2024  Revised:December 05, 2024
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KeyWord:plateau  diurnal cycle  equivalent temperature  life  damage model
LI He China Aero Poly-technology Establishment, Beijing , China;Aviation Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Aero Combined Environment, Beijing , China
ZHANG Jianjun China Aero Poly-technology Establishment, Beijing , China;Aviation Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Aero Combined Environment, Beijing , China
CAI Liangxu China Aero Poly-technology Establishment, Beijing , China;Aviation Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Aero Combined Environment, Beijing , China
LI Minwei China Aero Poly-technology Establishment, Beijing , China;Aviation Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Aero Combined Environment, Beijing , China
FU Yun China Aero Poly-technology Establishment, Beijing , China;Aviation Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Aero Combined Environment, Beijing , China
ZHAO Kechen China Aero Poly-technology Establishment, Beijing , China;Aviation Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Aero Combined Environment, Beijing , China
ZHONG Yong Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing , China
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      The work aims to derive the severity of climate and storage temperature for service equipment at different elevations,determine diurnal cycle conditions, and calculate the equivalent relationship between test period and storage life. By combining the temperature severity correction method from DEF STAN 00-035 standard with the engineering experience, a method for determining diurnal cycle conditions based on the correction of standard recommended values and statistics induction of measured data was proposed. Based on Arrhenius model, the diurnal cycle and annual equivalent temperature were calculated, the equivalent relationship between diurnal cycle period and actual storage life equivalent damage was established, and the application of the method was analyzed by practical cases.For the equipment in a place on the plateau, the diurnal cycle of high temperature determined by the standard recommended value correction method was 2-8 ℃ lower than that of the statistical induction of the measured data. The diurnal equivalent temperatures under the standard correction method, the measured data method and the GJB 150.3A recommended diurnal cycle conditions were 37.3 ℃, 42.4 ℃ and 55.4 ℃, respectively. The annual equivalent temperature of storage was 22.0 ℃, 26.2 ℃ and 40.8 ℃, respectively. The damage equivalent relationships of the life of 1 year of storage in the field were 89, 86 and 30 test cycles, respectively. The appropriate diurnal cycle and life equivalent calculation method can be selected according to the service requirements of equipment and the type of data acquired. The research work provides a feasible engineering method for determining the severity of temperature environment test of service equipment in different areas, avoiding problems such as over-testing and under-testing, and providing support for the equipment storage life acceptance work.