Volume 19,Issue 3,2022 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  


  Abstract(920)  View PDF(673)
  Abstract(890)  View PDF(902)
  Abstract(906)  View PDF(733)
  Abstract(872)  View PDF(684)


Thermal Safety of Energetic Materials
  YE Qing, YU Yong-gang
  Abstract(1893)  View PDF(688)
Analysis of Cook-Off Characteristics of Modular Charges at Different Heating Rates
  LIU Jing, ZHAO Fei-yu
  Abstract(1691)  View PDF(718)
Thermal Stability of Mixtures of HMX and Low Melting Point Energetic Materials
  HUANG Ke-qi, WEI Zheng-he, XIA Liang-hong, LONG Mao-hao, WANG Yan-na, LI Zhi-min, ZHANG Tong-lai
  Abstract(1793)  View PDF(646)
Slow Cook-Off Characteristics of Solid Rocket Motor with Round-hole Charge
  YE Qing, YU Yong-gang
  Abstract(1414)  View PDF(747)
Comparison and Analysis of Cook-Off Characteristics of Modular Charge in Gun Chamber at Two Low Firing Rates
  QIAN Huan-yu, YU yong-gang
  Abstract(1599)  View PDF(678)
Numerical Calculation and Analysis on Interior Ballistics of Compacted Traveling Charge with a Central Hole
  CAO Yong-jie, DOU Song-song, ZHAO Na, HU Jie, LI Zhi-fei, ZHANG Wang
  Abstract(1957)  View PDF(593)
Thermal Decomposition of Extinguished AP/HTPB Base Bleed Propellant under Condition of Transient Depressurization
  SHEN Hui, XU Chong, ZHANG Pei-xin, LIU Yong-qiang, XU Peng
  Abstract(1798)  View PDF(654)
RDX Particle Size on Combustion Performance of a High-Energy Nitramine Propellant
  DOU Song-song, CAO Yong-jie, ZAHNG Ming-an, NIE Kui, ZHANG Wei-wei, ZHANG Wang
  Abstract(1713)  View PDF(647)

Aviation and Aerospace Equipment

Change Law of Tensile Force of the Dispersible Ammunition Belt
  FENG Xian-he, YANG Wan-jun, LUO Dan, CHEN Xing-hao, YANG Hao-yu
  Abstract(1397)  View PDF(628)
Design of General Tool for Screening Test of Combined Products
  DONG Zhi-yuan, LI Fei-fei, LI Jian-wu
  Abstract(1653)  View PDF(740)
Control of Thermal Conductivity of Basalt Fiber Thermal Insulation Composite Material
  DAI Wen-hui, LI Hao-yu, PENG Xing, HUANG An-wei, LI Zhong-sheng, CONG Da-long, YI Tong-bin, WU Yong-peng, SUN Cai-yun, DONG Ling-shu, TANG Jing-jing, GAO Shi-qing
  Abstract(2048)  View PDF(670)


Compounding of Cu-MOF Corrosion Inhibitor
  ZHANG Xing, LIU Wei, LI Xia-qing, ZHANG Quan-sheng, FENG Lei-lei, GUAN Qing-qing, CHANG Feng
  Abstract(1734)  View PDF(639)
Corrosion Behavior of Cold Sprayed Ni/Al2O3 Coating in Marine Atmosphere Environment
  FENG Lei, DING Xing-xing, SONG Kai-qiang, WANG Xuan, BAI Yi-xin, PENG Dong, CONG Da-long
  Abstract(1598)  View PDF(717)

Key Projects Equipment

A Control System Design of Non-Stationary Random Vibration Experiment
  DENG Ting, YAN Xia, WANG Yu-fei
  Abstract(1473)  View PDF(669)
Reliability Calculation Method of High Speed Train Electronic Products Based on Composite Stress Accelerated Life Test
  ZHOU Yong-gang, WANG Peng
  Abstract(1421)  View PDF(625)
Reliability Evaluation of Speed Sensor for CRH2 and CRH380A Series EMU
  LIANG Shuang, JIA Bu-chao, SUN Wei-ping, WU Chao-yun
  Abstract(1577)  View PDF(587)
Corrosion Rule of N80 Carbon Steel during Air Injection Enhanced Oil Recovery
  LIAN Yu-bo, WENG Hua-tao, LIU Gui-bin, WEI Ya-jun, HUANG Chen, JIANG Wei
  Abstract(1488)  View PDF(637)
Influence of Low Temperature Environment on Mechanical Performance of Three Structural Steels
  SU Yan, SU Hong, HU Bing-fei, CHEN Jing-yan, ZHONG Yong
  Abstract(2041)  View PDF(718)