Volume 13,Issue 5,2016 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  


Recent development and prospect of large spacecraft thermal environmental test technologyZHAO Bao-Ping, YAN Chao, MENG Xiang-Nan, LIU Peng, SUN Lei,
  赵保平, 严超, 孟祥男, 刘鹏, 孙磊, 李原, 蔡骏文 and 王晓飞
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10648)  View PDF(8740)
A Method and its Application for Improving the Validity of Ground Testing of Mechanical Environment’s effects on Aircraft Structure
  阎桂荣, 董龙雷 and 宋利强
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10673)  View PDF(8443)
Research on Acoustic Fatigue Failure Verification Technology of Thin-walled Structure Under High Temperature Environment
  沙云东, 王建, 赵奉同 and 栾孝驰
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10810)  View PDF(8548)
Highly Efficient Bunch-style Device for Corrosion Testing in Deep Sea Environment
  郭为民, 孙明先, 侯健, 逄昆, 邱日, 范林, 张彭辉, 丁康康 and 许立坤
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10303)  View PDF(8428)
Study on Accelerated Vibration Fatigue Testing of Structures
  蒋瑜 and 陶俊勇
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10521)  View PDF(8886)
Quartz lamp radiation transient thermal environment experimentmain technical analysis
  王德成 and 林辉
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(9772)  View PDF(8432)
  郑玲, 张巍, 曾杰, 向树红, 李晔 and 杨江
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10698)  View PDF(8428)
The Combined Test Technology of Electromagnetic Environment and Natural Environment Based on the Technology of Electromagnetic Reverberation Chamber
  孙月刚 and 王健
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10481)  View PDF(8660)
The Research of Processing Method Based on Maximum Spectral for Non-Stationary Random Vibration Data
  徐俊, 傅耘, 张建军, 孙建勇 and 王星皓
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10848)  View PDF(8449)
Tailoring of Corrosion Environmental Adaptability Requirement for the Shipboard Airborne Equipments
  刘元海 and 张幸
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10602)  View PDF(8745)
Laboratory Test Methods of Vibration Environment for the Flighting Missles
  刘青林, 陈颖, 田光明 and 李明海
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10324)  View PDF(8334)
The application of environmental effect dynamics in stress corrosion cracking
  Feng xian-he and Cao xue-jun
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10655)  View PDF(8736)
Calculation of Transmission Probability of the Finned Tube Heat Sink In Molecular Flow
  李春杨, 杜春林, 孙玉玮, 柳晓宁, 王晶, 许忠旭 and 向树红
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10635)  View PDF(8389)
Study on Accelerated Storage Life Testing of Control-Capsule of Terminally Guided Projectile
  徐进欣, 王金柱 and 范志锋
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10930)  View PDF(8576)
A Concision of Vibration Test System For Large Dimension Structure
  魏英魁, 张晓颖 and 胡彦平
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10887)  View PDF(8948)
Relativity and Acceleration Verification of Multi-factors Integrated Marine Climate Natural Accelerated Test Technologies
  彭京川, 郭赞洪 and 杨晓然
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10229)  View PDF(8304)
Research on the Selection of Refrigerants used in Combined Climatic Environmental Chambers
  刘坤, 张保军, 岳磊, 缑宇翔, 马东利 and 王腾浩
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(11421)  View PDF(9100)
Research on the Influence of Oxygen Equipment Under Plateau Environment and the Countermeasures
  赵辉, 雷金果 and 谢千东
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10382)  View PDF(8454)
A Climatic Test Laboratory Cooling Capacity Calculation Model Based on Space State method
  马建军, 刘海燕 and 成竹
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10698)  View PDF(8545)


The vibration testing requirements and application analysis of civil aircraft equipment(Ⅱ)
  祝耀昌, 李 韻, 徐俊 and 王星皓
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(11126)  View PDF(9222)
Discussion on Engineering Application Method of the Natural Environment Test Data of Material
  罗来正, 黎小锋, 张登, 肖勇 and 张燕
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10986)  View PDF(8620)
Validation and Analysis about Installation and Protection Technology of Electrical Connector under Simulated Marine Environment
  袁猛, 张幸 and 刘元海
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10604)  View PDF(8566)
The development of corrosion inhibitor for zinc in simulated acidic marine atmosphere
  张阔, 杜敏 and 张静
  Published October 15, 2016 (0 pages)
  Abstract(10771)  View PDF(8558)
Storage Accelerated Aging Test and Life Assessment of an Adhesive
  胡恩来, 陈津虎, 胡绍华, 宫晓春 and 胡彦平
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(11017)  View PDF(9114)
Research on Software and Hardware Design of Bus-Type Test System
  张 荣, 王珏, 周继昆, 张毅 and 郑敏
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10548)  View PDF(8440)


The Influence of Deposition of Solid Particles on the Initial Atmospheric Corrosion of7B04 Aluminum Alloy
  高蒙, 孙志华, 刘明, 闫巍 and 汤智慧
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10511)  View PDF(8323)


Consumption Models of Spare Parts in Typical Equipment
  古平, 辛光, 刘慎洋, 李思 and 李震
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10796)  View PDF(8548)
Fracture Failure Analysis of Fastening Bolt on Wind Driven Generator
  周漪, 贺明强, 梅华生 and 王长朋
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(11025)  View PDF(8844)


Brief Analysis of Avionics corrosion factors
  张莹颖 and 何卫平
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10533)  View PDF(8349)


A Brief Analysis about The Effects of The Low Air Pressure
  赵斌, 郭赞洪, 唐其环 and 刘聪
  Published October 15, 2016
  Abstract(10594)  View PDF(9129)